B.Com is one of the most sought courses after 12th Grade. It has the duration of three years divided into six semesters. A Bachelor of Commerce, abbreviated as B.Com is an undergraduate degree in commerce and related subjects. Bachelor of Commerce course professionals are in huge demand throughout India and abroad to get lucrative opportunities to work.
The course is designed to provide students with a wide range of managerial skills, while building competence in particular areas of business such as financial accounting, banking laws, corporate accounting, and others. Students learn about basic theories, principles, and processes involved in Commerce and Accounting. After completing this course, students can opt for M.Com or MBA for their Master’s degree, pursue CA/CFA/CMA/ACS/ICWA, General studies (IAS, IPS, UPSC), State Level Studies (TNPSC), or move into executive roles in the corporate sector.

Our Great Vision & Mission

Our mission is to set standards of excellence by adopting new and more effective ways of teaching. Department of Commerce is a special course and an evergreen one which creates a tons of opportunities for students in a various industries .

While students chose bcom, their career would be more stabilized and a promising one as well. Accounts has become an essential and most important one in all business situations. We can add this as starting content.