Department of Commerce CA has its inception in the year 2010 in Under Graduate level & Post Graduate Degree M.Com CA started in the year 2011. The strength was 05 students and 2 faculty and now it has increased to 410 in both UG & PG. The Department formed its Association in the name of COMFEST in the year 2011 and it has been renamed CHIKEE after the department separated from commerce in the year 2019 after that the association was again renovated with the name of “GALLANT” in the year 2022.
Commerce with Computer Applications course offers a program of study to meet the significant increase in demand for Computer Scientists with an accounting background. Providing both the technical Skills for Computer Science and the Accounting and Business skills of a Commerce degree, the dual qualification enhances student’s knowledge of both the business and the IT Sectors, and gives them considerable flexibility in career choice. This course educates students to design and build e-commerce and e-business systems and to develop their understanding of current trends in this rapidly- evolving new technology. Students learn technologies for constructing enterprise solutions using cutting-edge technologies and develop practical skills and experience in building enterprise solutions and using integrated enterprise development tools. Non-technical options allow students to explore a related area such as law, economics, or management.

Our Great Vision & Mission

Our mission is to set standards of excellence by adopting new and more effective ways of teaching. Department of Commerce is a special course and an evergreen one which creates a tons of opportunities for students in a various industries .

While students chose bcom, their career would be more stabilized and a promising one as well. Accounts has become an essential and most important one in all business situations. We can add this as starting content.