To be a vibrant and innovative center for professional accounting, to equip students with knowledge and skills in the professional accounting stream, to inculcate values and identify hidden talents, to provide opportunities for students to realize their full potential and thus shape them into future Auditors, Company Secretary, Cost Auditor, and Entrepreneur.
Bachelor of Commerce in Professional Accountancy trains the students to become accounting and finance professionals. It gives emphasis to develop analytical skills and professional competence in all aspects of accounting. Professional Accounting course is more or less equal to CA and it is the first and right step and base for auditing courses like CA, CMA and CS.

Our Great Vision & Mission

Our mission is to set standards of excellence by adopting new and more effective ways of teaching. Department of Commerce is a special course and an evergreen one which creates a tons of opportunities for students in a various industries .

While students chose bcom, their career would be more stabilized and a promising one as well. Accounts has become an essential and most important one in all business situations. We can add this as starting content.