B. SC (It)
The Department of Information Technology was established in the year 2010, and we have offered UG course Bsc-IT. The Department has been imparting quality education in the field of Information Technology. The department has many sub-fields; some emphasize the computation of specific results such as computer graphics, while others relate to properties of computational problems such as computational complexity theory.

Our Great Vision & Mission

To impart knowledge and skills to rural youth in order to meet their intellectual and social aspirations and cultural and technical needs of the society. Leadership is Education & Innovation through Teamwork with a focus on the development of the Younger generation to the needs of the time.

To make technical and operational excellence through a commitment to the effective and strategic use of emerging technologies. To develop an effective curriculum and optimize institutionalized students activities. To involve learners in practical life situations, To expose students to rural realities and to sensitize learners to national heritage and values.